group of people in an office working with post-it-notes

Providing Ethnic Communities a Voice and Platform

We act as their representative body in communicating with other organisations and consultative groups (both statutory and voluntary) to ensure that they are not left out of the decision-making processes.

Our Aim


We exist to address the needs and aspirations of the ethnic communities of Stevenage. We do this in a number of ways.

What we do

We support ethnic community groups by building their capacity through provision of resources and assistance within the boundaries of our funding.


Stevenage World Forum have been involved in a wide variety of projects for the ethnic communities of Stevenage and the surrounding areas.

About Us

Respect, Equality, Open
and Inclusive

Stevenage World Forum (SWF) for Ethnic Communities was officially founded on 10 October 2000.

We are based in the Sherma Batson Centre in Bedwell, Stevenage, Hertfordshire. The building was initially used as garages and later converted into a purpose built centre following a grant from the Active Communities Unit in partnership with Volunteer Centre Stevenage (VCS). Since 2006, the Centre has been managed by SWF.

Supporting ethnic community groups by building their capacity through provision of resources and assistance within the boundaries of our funding


Support BAME communities


We exist to advocate equal access to services for all

Our Values

Respect, Equality, Open and Inclusive